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The September 11 Pentagon Murders
Published on May 26, 2004 By Jihad Fighter In Politics

Attention, loyal Americans. Do you believe in your country? Do you believe what your leaders say? Do you believe in the truth? The greatest tragedy in American history occurred on September 11, 2001. The nation we love was attacked. Our leaders told us a tale of what happened. It was a lie. We dare you, loyal Americans, to look at this evidence, which reveals - in irrefutable clarity - that the Pentagon was not hit by a jetliner on 9/11.

They say a photograph is worth a thousand words. The photos of the Pentagon on that fateful morning clearly show no evidence of airplane debris, nor no hole in the wall big enough to be the imprint of a large airliner. Many windows at the point of impact were not even broken! The photographs, analyses, diagrams and statements of fact that follow provide the clearest evidence that the actual events of that tragic day do not match what we have been told by the leaders of our country. They reveal a chilling picture of deception and misrepresentation, of lies about what happened.

You may wish to continue to support the leaders of our country, but you may not deny the truth of what you see in these pictures and learn from this shocking evidence. And when you realize the great difference between what you have been told and what you now comprehend, in sorrow and rage you will conclude that the entire fantastic 9/11 coverup is about to unravel, and obstruction of justice, treason, and mass murder are the words the future will confer on the traitorous leaders who told us all those lies about Arab terrorists. Evil men who stole the election and the White House in the year 2000, and engineered this debauched treachery in order to turn America into a murderous police state.

The September 11 Pentagon Murders

The proof is here, Watson.

One of the first on the scene was a Roman Catholic priest who later reported that all of the fire appeared to be coming from just two windows on the second floor. The fire burns to the left and right on the first floor, but on the second floor flames emit only from two windows and the vacancy left by the smashed-in pillar between them, identified as pillar #14 in the diragrams below, but not at all from the windows to the left or to the right.

Let us assume for the moment that the official story is true and that a Boeing 757 did hit the building. However to support that assumption we must now find damage that allows that a fuselage seating six across and two large wing engines did indeed penetrate the wall as is claimed.

Obviously a plane did not drag its engines on this grass prior to the crash prior to entering at the first-floor level. We are not dealing with something that did limited damage on the second floor, extensive damage to the first floor and no damage whatsoever to the lawn immediately in front of the crash site.

Let's verify this conclusion.

Next notice there is fire still burning on the second floor visible through the holes in the second -story wall at pillar #14, revealing the important datum that there still is a second floor intact behind that hole. The question becomes, which level did the fuselage penetrate, since it did not break through the floor separating the first and second stories.

Here is a diagram prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) engineers who examined the structural condition of the the pillars in the damaged section of the Pentagon three days after the attack. The engineers recorded the different levels of damage don to supporting pillars at the first-floor level of the crash region, including the exterior pillars between windows, using this system of catagorization:

Pink squares: In collapsed area. Presumed to have significant inpairment
Red squares: Missing, broken, disconnected, or otherwise without remaining function
Blue squares: Impacted with large deformation and significant impairment of function
Green squares: Heavy cracking and spalling with some impairment of function
Yellow squares: Cracking and spalling with no significant impairment of function.

(note: "Spalling" means chips have been knocked off the pillar.)

Note there is only one pink pillar to the left of (i.e., south of) pillar #14. Note too that except for the row of red pillars along the exterior,
all the remaining red pillars are to the left of the area that collapsed (i.e., to the right of pillar #11)

Now let us pay close attention to the photographic evidence showing the true state of damage to the row of first-floor pillars along the exterior wall that are marked red in the ASCE report. Verify that no starboard wing engine (i.e., the engine hanging from the wing to the right of the seated pilot) could possibly have penetrated anywhere on the first floor between columns 15 and 18.

The ASCE engineers describe pillars 16 and 17 as "leaning" not as knocked down. Thus pillars to the right of the nose entry -- where a wing-engine would have had to have hit if there was a wing engine were each still standing and, as shown here and in other photos presented in the gallery linked below we see that interior wall between these pillars remains intact.

One more obvious item, Watson. Observe how column 15 was blasted away leaving the steel reinforcement rods nearly in place. And one must ask how this column could be blased away on the first floor if the fuselage of a large jetliner (because of the hanging engines) had to penetrate between the levels hitting the floor of the second story -- remember, had the attacking jet been a Boeing 757, the lowest part of the plane to crash would have been the engines and they would have hit between pillars 16 and 18. Yet more proof that the pattern of damage does not agree with the Boeing explanation.

So much for the right side of pillar 14, Watson, now let us examine damage to the left, to verify that, indeed, on the second floor only the 14th pillar was smashed in.

Look at that smashed automobile, Watson. It seats two, at most three, across. But the Boeing 757 airliner seats six across with a center aisle besides. (For reference, the yellow letter "A" marks column 11. Note too that the windows between column #'s 13 and 12 and between 12 and 11 are not even broken. And finally, Watson, we look in vain for any sign that the tall tail-fin of a Boeing airliner hit at all against pillar 14 on the third floor.)

And here, even more significant, there is still a vestige of column 14 hanging on the second floor. And one more thing, Watson, do you see any evidence at all that the giant tail fin of an airliner that seats up to 224 passengers, with a stated tail height of 44 ft 6 in, anywhere at all caused damage to column 14 above the second floor of this five story, 71 ft high building? You're right, Watson, it is preposterous.


The wall tells the story, and I see why the perpetrators would wish to cause a collapse to cover this evidence within 20 minutes of the crash, but now let us see if we gain confirmation of the small-plane hypothesis from yet another source, from the actual security camera recording of the attack.

Look carefully, Watson.

Here, repeating in sequence, are five pictures from a security camera from the first seconds of the strike.

Note the tail fin of the attacking jet, visible only in the first picture, sticking up behind the yellow parking-pass machine in the foreground. Observe also the white missile smoke trailing behind. Compare this with these two pictures of an F-16 jet fighter firing an air-to-ground missile, above right and below.

Now note the absence of an airliner's long fuselage projecting out to the left from behind the yellow obstruction -- the absence of a shiny aluminum American Airlines Boeing 757 fuselage in the direct morning sunlight.

A most singular clue, Watson.

What can be more unreasonable, Watson, than the contention that what is hidden behind this view-obstructing cabinet could possibly be aircraft of the type so accurately scaled below?

The debate is over, the coverup has lost. The case being proven, now the American people have to see that it gets to first the court of public opinion and from there, carried on the shoulders of an outraged people to the House of Representatives where impeachment articles may be speedily drawn up and to a grand jury where all of the most obvious accomplices must be arraigned.

Trust that it will happen, Watson. It MUST happen.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington

A debt of gratitude to Mark Bilk(Cosmic Penguin) for all of the technical work , continuous consultation and for proposing this project in the first place.

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