This blade has been heralded as the ultimate sword. It was first developed 3 years ago, by combining the magic of the two most popular magic swords: Sword of Defense and the Holy Avenger. The Defender is unbreakable with the ability to slice through virtu
Published on June 14, 2004 By Jihad Fighter In Politics
The Zionist Connection: an Unholy Tripartite
Ted Lang / May 24, 2004

Henry Makow, a PhD. who writes for several Internet news and opinion websites, has provided invaluable insight focusing on political alliances that control the United States as well as the entire world. An unholy tripartite threatens the individual freedom of all people, as well as the peace of the entire world, desiring the establishment of a New World Order controlled by one global government. It consists of these three entities: Zionism, communism and the international banking cartel. And as regards this unholy trio’s control of all politics, remember FDR’s observation that nothing in politics happens without being planned.

Zionism supports the creation of a Jewish state in violation of the teachings of Orthodox Judaism and the Torah. Of course, there are patriotic American Jews, as well as Christians, who support and are sympathetic to the state of Israel, but not to the extent of putting such political sympathies on a level higher than their patriotism and loyalty to the United States. And increasingly, radical Zionism is growing in aggressiveness and deadliness. And should anyone marry these three entities as a collaborative effort or conspiracy, they will be branded as being anti-Semitic. And that is precisely the purpose of the term.

But Zionism has partially achieved its ultimate goal, the modern state of Israel, via secretive plotting and heavy funding by the Jewish [Zionist] Rothschild international banking family, most prominently embodied in the Bank of England. It is loosely and unofficially estimated that the Rothschilds control almost three fifths the world’s wealth of about $500 trillion in fiat money through the indebtedness of world governments, while about another $100 trillion of the world’s wealth is controlled by the Rockefellers. Another 11 rich and powerful banking families, as well as wealthy individuals, families and governments, control the remaining $100 trillion of the world’s wealth.

Makow has taken much pain and written extensively on the relationship between the Rothschild-led 13 member banking cartel, and the close relationship Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild maintained with both Lenin and Trotsky when they all were alive and plotting together. And Trotsky has been connected to Leo Strauss and the neo-conservative, Zionist cabal identified as the Project for the New American Century, or PNAC. And just like FDR’s Zionist cabal of the 1930s and 1940s, consisting then of Justice Felix Frankfurter, Bernard M. Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Benjamin Cohen, and Samuel Rosenman, President George W. Bush’s present Zionist cabal consists of David Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearl, Bill Kristol and others. They represent a carbon copy of the continuing Zionist organized manipulation of our government to achieve a world control agenda originating with the communist-oriented, Zionist international banking cartel.

During World War II, America’s involvement protecting Britain and joining it and the Soviet Union to engage in war against Axis Germany, Japan and Italy, served to make the world safe from National Socialism [Nazism] thereby advancing the "Jewish intellectualism" that is communism. And as Woodrow Wilson was advised by yet another Zionist cabal back during World War I, consisting of a different Jewish Justice, Louis D. Brandeis, and the same Bernard M. Baruch and Henry Morgenthau that served in FDR’s cabal, America was drawn into the "War to End All Wars" to make the world "safe for democracy," thereby advancing the cause and ensuring the resultant success of National Socialism.

Although modern communism, as well as all things bad, with the exception of the Christmas tree and Sauerbraten und Kartoffelnkloss originated in Germany, to include militarism, our failing government-controlled school system, our failing Social Security system and National Socialism, the communist movement shifted from Germany to Russia during the latter of the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth century. The Rothschild-led banking cartel saw the possibilities in a large, heavily industrialized nation like Russia, where the all-encompassing socialism that is communism could take root. Of course, the United States would have been a much better prize for communism, but lacked the level of poverty and despair of the Russian masses that was more pronounced thereby more enabling of violent revolution or Bolshevism.

Czar Nicholas II of Russia made serious and devastating mistakes as regards the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, in which the entire powerful Russian fleet and Port Arthur were lost. His miscalculation of the powerful Japanese, as well as Russia’s loss of the war, helped to incite the Russian populace even more when faced with rapidly deteriorating economic conditions in spite of the great potential of Russian industry. The Zionist Rothschild banking cartel had heavily financed the Japanese, as their target for revolution was Russia.

Strikes and labor unrest morphed into communist-led labor rebellions against the Christian monarchy of Czar Nicholas II, who blamed the Jews and their communist intellectualism and labor unions. It was Nicholas II who probably first recognized the connection between Judaism and communism. Nicholas persecuted the Jews with a series of pogroms and acts of terror, causing many Jews to flee the country. Their new country of choice, for the most part, was Germany, and Germany basically welcomed them. It must be stressed, that not all Jews fit the generalized indictment that has caused the persecution and suffering of all Jews, a fact that presents itself so glaringly during Hitler’s persecution of Jewish populations with the help of the Zionist Jews.

Of course, Jewish intellectualism and capitalism created an astounding mutual benefit, and many Jewish capitalists became extremely wealthy. Among these were the Jewish bankers that became unmistakingly intertwined with the Rothschild international banking cartel, and therefore, became part and parcel of the Rothschild plan for world domination.

The Rothschild-affiliated Bleichroder Bank of Berlin, specifically mentioned in Article 263 of the Versailles Treaty, was heavily involved with Germany’s war reparations, as were the Warburgs, the Hamburg bankers, and German Jewish industrialist Walter Rathenau. Max Warburg headed the M.M. Warburg Bank and was head of German finances, and his brother Paul represented President Woodrow Wilson’s newly created United States Federal Reserve Bank.

An interesting aside in all this, can be found on the website of Michael Haupt: Three World . Quoting from his section on the horrific Versailles Treaty, he offers:

One of the planks of the Treaty called for large amounts of war reparations to be paid to the victorious nations by the German government. This plank of the Treaty alone caused more grief in the German nation than any other and precipitated three events:

1. The "hyperinflation" of the German mark between 1920 and 1923;
2. The destruction of the middle class in Germany; and
3. The bringing to power of someone who could end the inflation: a dictator like Adolf Hitler.

This plank was written by John Foster Dulles, one of the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations, and later the Secretary of State to President Dwight Eisenhower.

At this point, it serves of little value to explore the precise reasons for the start of World War I. My high school history classes spoke of clashes for "spheres of influence" as there was heavy competition for the colonization of Third World nations for their territories and natural resources. But the international banking cartel, as evidenced by their financial support of Japan, serves as another stronger possibility. What is of course important is that the international banking cartel always profits greatly from war.

Undoubtedly, their intrigue played a hefty hand in igniting the hostilities. And their horrific management at Versailles in "cashing in" on the sufferings of the war didn’t go unnoticed by the Germans. Nor did the Germans fail to notice the "Jewishness" of these bankers.

Yet, in spite of the glaring and emerging truths and facts that attend real history, a real bias has been substituted to purposely cloud these issues, issues from which we could learn so much to affect a true understanding of the lessons that could be learned from them; if we could only remove that bias. Well before our involvement militarily in World War I, private sector activities that went deliberately unnoticed by the Woodrow Wilson administration included the contracts "…for millions of artillery shells, as well as ten 500-ton submarines. Though the construction of such foreign vessels broke the law, Bethlehem [Steel] proceeded with it and the Wilson administration did not stop them. The company earned $61 million in 1916, more than its combined gross revenues for the previous eight years." ["The United States and World War I," by John J. Dwyer, January 26, 2004,]

Governments require huge sources of funds to manufacture the tools, weapons and machines of destruction for war, and therefore go deeply into debt. And that’s where the financing international bankers come in. They enjoy huge profits by funding warring nations, sometimes both sides of the same conflict, thereby ensuring the profits that can be earned from debt generation and the profitable interest thereto appertaining. The taxpayers of the warring nations foot the bill for decades, incurring huge sums of national debt, and enriching the bankers.

The events and agendas surrounding World War I have created ALL the conditions we as a people and a nation face today. And these conditions are still being controlled by the unholy tripartite of Zionism, communism and international banking. Germany won World War I. The war was over, but prior to an acceptance of Germany’s offer of a simple status quo ante end to the war with no punitive, attendant conditions for the losers, namely Great Britain and France, the international banking community, through its Zionist representatives, approached the British, desperate to win the war, and offered Britain a deal.

The deal entailed that if the Zionist-led international banking cartel could arrange Britain’s victory, would Great Britain support a Zionist state later on when the right conditions presented themselves? Great Britain agreed to these terms, and as their part of the deal, the Zionist bankers would get the United States of America into the conflict and reverse the obvious outcome.

This explanation is verified by subsequent international events, none the least of which was the outbreak of World War II, which was directly caused by the "terms and conditions" of the settlement of World War I; namely, the Versailles Treaty and the Balfour Declaration. But examine the biased evaluation offered by William L. Shirer, author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: "One gets the impression that a good many of these ‘good Germans’ fell too easily into the trap of blaming the outside world for their own failures, as some of them had done for Germany’s misfortunes after the first lost war and even for the advent of Hitler himself." In another section of his book, Shirer offers the phoniness of German outrage as regards the rape of their nation, writing, "To overthrow them [the Nazi hierarchy] now might merely perpetuate another ‘stab-in-the-back’ legend, such as that which had fooled so many Germans after the First World War."

Astonishing! The rape of Germany was a "legend." The German people were merely "fooled?" Nonsense! This failure to accept the consequences of the rape of Germany via the Versailles Treaty and the Balfour Declaration foolishly ignores the actual causes for the rise of Hitler, the Nazis, and the underlying causes of World War II.

One of the driving forces that ensured involvement by the United States in WW I was none other than Winston Churchill, who became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911. About a year later, the British luxury steamship, Titanic, sank off the coast of Newfoundland after an iceberg ripped a long, gaping hole along the ship’s hull, breaching past many of the bulkhead sections of the ship. The incoming waters could not be contained, and the huge steamer sank, taking with it 1,500 souls. It was a horrific sea disaster, but not one lost in terms of its usefulness to Churchill and his British Admiralty.

When Britain, France and Europe became embroiled in WW I in 1914, one year later another great British steamship went down, but this was a very planned and deliberate action. Churchill wanted the United States to join Britain and France in the war against the "evil" Kaiser Wilhelm, and curiously, in 1915, one year after the guns of August began their deadly fusillades, a German submarine sank the Lusitania, which was loaded with munitions and explosives.

Prior to its sinking, Churchill threatened the German u-boat patrols, and advised commercial ships to ram and sink them in violation of non-belligerency agreements. Cunard Lines, owner of the Lusitania, turned the ship over to Churchill and the Admiralty for use in transporting munitions. The Germans took out newspaper ads in New York City to warn Americans not to sail on British ships that intended hostilities towards German military shipping.

In violation of the non-belligerency agreements, the Lusitania, laden with explosives, munitions and weapons, and transporting innocent Americans across the Atlantic to Europe, was attacked by a German sub and sunk. There is a chance that the Germans just got lucky. But there is also a strong possibility that German intelligence, made famous by the employment of such famous operatives as Mata Hari, were tipped off about the huge shipment of munitions aboard the Lusitania. The clues as to this were first made available, of all places, on The Discovery Channel. Additionally, the Lusitania’s escort ship, the Juno, was well underway to escort the Lusitania, but the Juno, almost in rendezvous with the Lusitania, was ordered to return to port by Churchill and the Admiralty. The British Admiralty deliberately made the ship vulnerable to submarine attack, an event easily preventable. It sort of reminds one of the ease of protecting America from the 9-11 terrorist attacks that somehow got past our government even though evidence continues to mount that the event was known to be imminent.

A documentary on the search for the Lusitania was presented on The Discovery Channel a few years ago. If memory serves, it was the same search and salvage expedition that located the Titanic. There are two clues as to the ill-fated ship’s sinking by the Germans. First, the expedition searched the ocean floor thoroughly, relying upon coordinates supplied by the records of the British Admiralty. Secondly, the headlines of The New York Times indicated that the Lusitania had been sunk by two torpedoes. How could the Times know this, unless that information came directly from the British Admiralty?

Why the importance of two torpedoes versus one? Because one torpedo couldn’t possibly sink a ship that large. Watertight doors would have sealed sections of the ship between bulkheads, and the ship wouldn’t have gone down. But the single torpedo ignited all the explosives and munitions that the Admiralty knew was aboard. And the coordinates recorded for the Lusitania’s position were therefore deliberately incorrect.

The search and salvage expedition recreated the average speed of the ship, the effect of ocean currents and wind, and replotted the ship’s course, and estimated the position of the Lusitania independently from information available from the British. The ship was found, and indeed, the wreck showed that it had been struck by only one torpedo. How convenient that the Admiralty records were so incorrect. How convenient it was for the British and Churchill as concerns the timing of the Lusitania’s sinking, which launched in the United States an anti-German sentiment that never existed before, and that was absolutely blown out of all proportion by the American, Zionist-controlled press.

The Germans lost WWI. The Versailles Treaty was one of the harshest and most savage war settlements in history. Combined with the fact that not one shot was fired on German soil, not one drop of blood was shed upon it, no war damage occurred on the land at all, and yet, the German nation was literally raped by this horrific treaty. Undoubtedly, Churchill played a major role in this, but that wasn’t evident at the time. What was evident to the Germans though, was the appearance of the German Jewish and Zionist international bankers and their Zionist representatives, and the Germans then knew whom to blame for their engineered defeat via the powerful support from the United States.

Combined with the Balfour Declaration, wherein Britain’s Foreign Secretary guaranteed "Lord Rothschild" a Jewish state in the Middle East territories wrested from the old Ottoman Turkish Empire, the seeds for the hatred of all Jews as well as their planned annihilation were planted. It provided Hitler with the hate and anger he exploited to enforce a "regime change" in his own former Weimar Republic, as well as virtually all the nations in Europe. And what the outcome of World War I failed to produce, namely the domination of most of Europe by communism, was transferred in time to almost a quarter of a century later, with the Judeo-Communist victory of WW II. We are seeing an imperial and brutally expanding Jewish state, and its progress in utilizing the military might of the United States to bring about a "New World Order" controlled by Tel Aviv, which is merely a repeat of historic lessons never taught, and therefore, never learned.

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Note: WING Magazine Interview: Jeffrey Bennett - The Federal Observer

Victor Thorn: How did you come up with the name Federal Observer, and what does it signify?

Jeff Bennett: Federal Observer is actually my third website. The previous website I had was called It ultimately turned into 100% alternative health-related and it’s a site that I still maintain, but it’s now called And, as we began to put together what I envisioned for the site, which in effect, had become an extension of the work we had done on radio for over 8 years – or at that time, a little over 6 years – I just could not come up with a name. I didn’t have any idea where I was going to go name-wise. We had the layout, we had the mock-ups; we originally started with no more than 8 or 10 different column titles. And I happened to sit down and do some reading one day of The Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers, which, to me, are among the greatest writings in our nation’s history because they have the foresight to see where we’re going. Anyway, I found one letter that was signed A Federal Observer and at that moment, it hit me. Within 30 seconds, I was online doing the searches and found out that the whole array was available - .com, .org, and .net, etcetera. I grabbed them all. It seemed to be an absolutely perfect name because that is, in effect, what I have done. I have been an observer of the idiocy that goes on in not only Washington, but in our state and local governments. So it worked well.

Lisa Guliani: I think you’re more than an observer. I think you’re a very active member of the Patriot community, and I’m very proud to know you. I noticed that you’re also a member of the American Media Association.

Jeff Bennett: I am. I’ve not spoken with Paul for quite some time. Paul is also part owner of Media Bypass magazine now, and I’m not sure that the AMA – not to be confused with the other AMA, which we openly refer to as the American Murder Association – the American Media Association doesn’t seem to have done much in quite some time. And yet, it’s something I believe in. You look at many of the writers, publishers, and the editors that are also members. It’s a good group of people.

Lisa Guliani: I want to ask you about the difference between what we see on mainstream television and the kind of material you’re putting out on Federal Observer and why people should seek out alternative news sources.

Jeff Bennett: I honestly think that I choose – initially it was a choice – I no longer think it’s a choice. But I think I’ve been chosen, and this is what I’m supposed to be, no differently than the two of you are. And I was reading earlier today your – and I don’t want your audience to think this is a mutual admiration society, but a factual scenario. We – and when I say “we” – we can call ourselves the Christian community, the patriot community – I get tired of labels – conservative, liberal, republican rat demigod, whatever. But I think not enough people stick together. There’s too much in-fighting that goes on and one of your other broadcasters that comes on after you – Loris – is my good friend for a number of years. I know what she’s gone through and we’ve fought many battles together. And we know what it’s like to be on the winning side, but we also know what it’s like to be on the losing side. Frankly, as you are, I’m tired of losing. And I think that so much of the news that we attempt to bring to the Federal Observer certainly comes from many other sources. Some of it comes from other websites, and where other websites seem to concentrate strictly on what some might like to call a completely right-leaning direction, we do something a little unusual. You mentioned the eclectic appearance of the publication. I want both sides of an issue to be heard and spoken about. I’m not going to be so foolish to do what the mainstream media does, which is only report their socialistic idiotic-controlled tripe, which is designed to entertain in most cases. Years ago, in 1959 or 60, I was on the way to Wisconsin to the home where I’d been born with my grandfather, and he had the news on some local Chicago station. After about 30 seconds, he got mad and turned the radio off, and he said “I’ll be damned. When I turn on to hear the news, I want to hear news! I don’t want to hear about some poor slob stubbing his toe at the corner of 52nd and Cottage Grove.” And that is what our news has become in this country. It’s entertainment. If we want most news of what goes on in this country, we have to go to Europe. Now, I love old movies, and many of the columns at Federal Observer are named after old Hollywood film titles. Even in my own writings, I find many ways to work in the title of a film, or maybe a song that is going to be reasonably well-recognized. It’s an anchor that people can draw to, something they’ll recognize right away. The titles may have nothing to do with what you’re writing, but they get your attention. And that’s why we do these things. I never got into this for the purpose of entertainment. We’re trying to challenge people to use their own damn brains for a change, if they’ve got any left - and stop following the status quo. My greatest concern is that it’s now been over 8 years for me and I occasionally chastise my audience and tell them, “Damn you, people! I don’t want a replacement for Seinfeld re-runs. If you’re turning to me for entertainment, then you’re not getting a damn thing out of it. You just don’t get it.”

Victor Thorn: The thing that intrigues me is that I listen to talk-radio all morning long – a variety of different shows – and it’s amazing how fractionalized the audience is. With mainstream talk-radio, it’s almost all conservative-oriented. I lean toward the conservative side, but they’re only telling so much. And if anybody tries to interject via a phone call, they’re instantly hung up on.

Jeff Bennett: Absolutely. Many times they don’t even get through. They use that 7-second delay business. And yes, although I do believe our site is in effect, what we call a right-leaning publication, what does that mean anymore? I’m working on a new column which I hope to have up in the next day or so, and part of this comes about because of an altercation I had with a writer at the Observer. For the first time, I actually sent someone an e-mail and said, “Look, I’m not going to publish this article. I have a real tough time with it.” And she responds back to me and said, “Well, I didn’t realize that an author had to agree with your position before you would post an article.” And I said that’s not the issue. I’ve posted many articles by people whose specific points I did not agree with. Usually, I may do a disclaimer. For instance, Alan Caruba, who is a very good writer but he tends to be more moderate, more left-leaning in a few respects – because everything he writes about the Middle East strictly bashes Arafat and the Palestinians. And when he does that, like the one article he did just trashing Arafat, at that point in time I had to go back in my archives and pull out this scathing biography of Ariel Sharon, who is one of the most bloodthirsty terrorists of our time. And he’s got a horrible history of doing this. Look what we’ve seen with the death of Rachel Cory a few months ago and so many other things like that. The Israelis will move a tank in to mow over a complete house because they “suspected” terrorists lived there, or a doctor who maybe worked on a “suspected” terrorist. This is like the Captain Blood movie with Errol Flynn out in 1935. What is this garbage?

Victor Thorn: Ariel Sharon – You called him an unrepentant war criminal. Since there’s so much conflict in the Middle East, and there has been for God-only-knows how long, why don’t we start delving into this. Tell us about Ariel Sharon, what his background is, and what he represents today.

Jeff Bennett: I hate to answer your comment this way, but it’s not one to avoid. I must share with you that the Observer, as you mentioned earlier, Victor, was opened in 2001 about seven weeks before the September 11th attacks. Allow me this relatively long answer here. I do this upon occasion because clarity is important. In that time period, we have now posted – and chiefly myself – this is pretty much a one-man band, I’ve posted over 6500 articles on The Federal Observer and that is a lot of reading. It is a lot of editing, because everything we do has to be converted to html, which means a lot of coding. I don’t know if you’re doing that with your site or not. It is a tremendous amount of work. There are times that I’m cranking 20-30 articles a night. The unique thing about Sharon is that it was such a tremendous piece of writing and I honestly would have to go into the site and open it up, because I no longer remember details. I remember little bits and pieces to the point where I can say, YES, the guy has got a history of hiring others to do acts that make it appear they’re Palestinian, so that the Israelis can get their way. I’m not trying to stick up for the Palestinians here, because I’ve said for years when Jimmy Carter put together the Camp David Accords, he was a damn fool. And he was a damn fool because what you’re doing is getting yourself in the middle of a 2000 year old holy war, and it’s nothing we are going to settle in our lifetime.

Victor Thorn: Tom Fairley has written quite a few articles about the Middle East conflict, and his opinion is that these people are actually hardwired to hate each other. He said it doesn’t matter who comes in there or what they try to do. He says they’re essentially hardwired for hatred of one another. What would you say about that?

Jeff Bennett: I would tend to agree with that. And now that we’re talking, I must recall that the source for the original piece that we posted on The Federal Observer actually came from a source that a lot of people cannot stand. And yet, it’s like any other source. I have to look carefully. Almost every web site has got some very well-written stuff and some tremendously well-researched stuff, and in other cases it’s their own brand of psychology or persuasion or whatever. That particular article came from one of the better writers at Lyndon LaRouche’s operation. I don’t have a lot of use for La Rouche. I used to produce a program for La Rouche. I couldn’t stand those people. They used to drive me crazy. I would have a guest on and they’d start hammering me to have somebody on every two to three days and I said, “Look guys, you’re not paying for this. This ain’t the La Rouche memorial Network.”

Victor Thorn: What do you think about his supporters at the last Democratic debate?

Jeff Bennett: You know what? I’ve long since stopped watching any of it. You’ll have to enlighten me.

Victor Thorn: It was the first one ever held by the NAACP, and the audience was filled with a bunch of La Rouche supporters and every time one of the candidates up on stage would start talking, they’d start yelling “why isn’t La Rouche here?” Their beef is that the Democratic National Committee has these nine stooges up there, but they won’t allow La Rouche to come into the debate. So, the candidates were really sheepish and taken off guard because they didn’t know what to do. Finally, Reverend Al stepped up and put them in their place.

Jeff Bennett: Brother Al…I guess the first thing I have to say is, I don’t see a rat’s chance in you-know-what of a single one of those people taking office in the White House. But I have to look at the La Rouche situation and say, “Look, La Rouche has been doing this thing for years. Is he even out of prison? Or is he in prison? I don’t even know the story with this guy anymore. The problem is, La Rouche has almost become somewhat of a joke in this whole presidential debate. It’s not a heck of a lot different than Pat Paulson years ago. I happen to know Pat personally. He was the godfather of my aunt’s son and I got to know Pat very well. It was during the Vietnam era. I was in ‘Nam for a couple of years and I’d see Pat when I was in and out. After I got out of the service, I saw him at Mr. Kelly’s in Chicago a few times. We’d have dinner. You know, that was a political statement, when Pat Paulson was running for President. I don’t know what Lyndon La Douchebag is trying to do. This goes back to the Forties, with a guy named Alf Landon. Alf Landon became kind of a – everybody loved the guy. Nobody knew why he was doing it, but everybody loved him. Nobody loves Lyndon La Rouche.

Victor Thorn: No. I think one of the candidates up there, when they yelled “where’s Lyndon La Rouche?” They said, well, we’d have to bail him out of jail first.

Jeff Bennett: Well, if they’re going to do that, I want Jim Traficant up there.

Victor Thorn: Let me ask you this question. In an article I wrote I go into 9/11 and how Ashcroft isn’t letting Zaccharias Mossaui talk to any of the witnesses he wants to bring up, I guess, to show that he didn’t have any involvement with 9/11. I go into that and then right at the end, I bring up this scenario of another October surprise where, if the powers-that-be want George Bush and his administration out of office, they can spring something at the last minute and bring in a candidate to replace him – either Democrat or Republican - and one that I throw in is Hillary Clinton. Now, does this sound crazy? Think about the possibility that she could be in there.

Jeff Bennett: Look, we know the history of the Clintons. We know the way they work. No matter what they say, they say one thing and then do another. No matter what they say, you know damn well they’re going in the opposite direction. Hilary is the slyest, slickest filthiest rotten bitch I’ve ever seen on the face of the earth. As far as I’m concerned, she ran that White House for 8 years with an iron whip and let Bill do what he wanted. He was the PR guy because everybody knows nobody likes her. She was liked well enough for Votescam to put her in office in New York. I had a long talk with Cliff Jones today, one of the Federal Observer authors. We got into this discussion about people being sued and hung for being traitors. And I said let’s go to New York and start with at least one of the senators. He said - no – both of them. I said, “no-no-no-no.” You can excuse Schumer because he’s from New York. She isn’t. I can envision this whole thing, with or without Bush. Bush’s whole regime is starting to unravel. The public around the country is fed up with “Mr. Azzencroft”. He went around the country putting on a dog & pony show trying to tell everybody it’s all for the children, it’s all for your safety, it’s all to prevent this from ever happening again. And “Tommy-the-Commy” Ridge, I don’t know what he’s doing. He’s looking at his little beady eyes in the mirror, and he’s from your part of the country – the best thing that happened to Pennsylvania was to get rid of Tom Ridge. But look, now they stuck him on the rest of the country. So now we’re dealing with Homeland Security, Patriot Acts I and II, and now the Congress began to – because of the public outcry - they’ve begun to start digging into the Patriot Act and they’re starting to tear it apart, saying “Well, what’s this?” Well, wait a minute! You’re the same jerks that voted for it without reading it. You’re coming back after the fact saying well, who’s the dummy that went along with this? As far as an October surprise, it’s the terminology that is used and abused, kind of like the terminology used by radio broadcasters where I’m at, that for years, have gone on and they won’t leave their homes. Every Friday at noon, the world is coming to an end. They’ve always got the inside. I happened to be in this guy’s office and have seen the kind of equipment this guy has. You are not a radio broadcaster on short-wave if you have the kind of equipment this guy has. When I went to his community, we hopped in his truck and he gave me the tour of his town, which is off in one of the western states. He went out of his way to show me where the CIA headquarters was in this community – below the university, below the streets of the community. And then I saw this equipment in his office and I’m thinking there’s something here – there’s more than meets the eye with this guy. If people have this attitude, they want to brag and show themselves to people as to what they really are. I can see Hillary there in 2004. I don’t think she’s got the patience to wait for 2008. She proved her impatience from the moment she and Bill set foot into the “Oral” Office. And she said (to Bill), You go off and get ahead or whatever you want to do, and she set out to get herself ahead in another way and started the whole travel scam and all this business. It’s like this thing with Martha Stewart. Come on, people. Martha Stewart’s a fall-guy. She did exactly what Hillary Clinton did. Everybody laughed at Hillary – nobody could find any wrongdoing. I actually wrote a column called “What’s Good for the Goose” – an analogy regarding Hillary Clinton, Martha Stewart and Charles Keating. For those listeners who remember the whole Keating affair with the S & L collapse of the late 80’s- early 90’s, when we had five of our marvelous elected senators who’d taken oaths to uphold “something” and these guys supported what Keating was doing. But Keating wound up going to jail. Now, I knew Charlie. He was a client of mine years ago. What he did or did not do may not have been right, but the five senators that condoned and supported and lied on his behalf are the sob’s that should have gone to jail. The Manchurian candidate should still be BACK IN Hanoi with Jane Fonda, as far as I’m concerned. Charlie was a very wealthy man. He knew a lot of people. But he was a maverick. So he was the poster child for the S & L crisis of the 80’s and 90’s – just like Martha Stewart. Wealthy, a bitch, knows a lot of people, but really isn’t an insider. You think Ken Lay is going to jail? No way. One of his underlings just got sentenced to 8 years in jail, as I said in one of my columns recently – “Ever Been Laid at Enron?”

I have to say this. Lisa, you and I have only spoken briefly on several occasions. You may or may not be aware of this fact, but one of the pieces you wrote, which I subsequently published on The Federal Observer, was what I refer to as “The Constitution Files”. It wound up being a two hour series available either on compact disk or tape. The basis of that, Lisa, was your writing.

Lisa Guliani: No kidding!

Jeff Bennett: That’s right, and we added some additional material to expand on it, but that whole piece you did on this missing 13th amendment business, that’s what that entire 2-hour series is about. (The Constitution Files can be ordered on Jeff Bennett’s website at I’ll get your address and send you a copy.

Lisa Guliani: Oh! That would be great! Wasn’t that the article all the lawyers sent the hate e-mails about?

Jeff Bennett: Oh, I’m sure it was. Did you say “liars”?

Lisa Guliani: (laughing) No, the lawyers.

Jeff Bennett: Lawyers, liars – same difference…I enjoy doing the historical stuff. I never set out to do it (on my radio show) for the audience that listens, but to get them to understand the importance of it for their children and grandchildren. These kids aren’t learning a damn thing in school except how to take a test.

Lisa Guliani: Right. How do you compare the version of history you learned in school – the fictionalized version – with the history you learned in later years?

Jeff Bennett: I was extremely fortunate. I’m 55 now. I had a fifth grade teacher, Donald Adair, who I would give my eye-teeth to sit down and talk with again. He was an absolute inspiration for me. He taught me a love of reading, a love of history, and he taught me to get to the truth. The interesting thing is, even as a child, I understood that the stories being told about that thing they called the Civil War – that something wasn’t right. I never understood why until I got older. I was always drawn to Robert E. Lee. I didn’t know why. Was it the color gray? Was it the rebel flag? The yell, the beard - I don’t know what it was. But obviously as I got older, I understood what it was all about and I don’t think that a better story could be told – even though it’s a stinking Hollywood movie. I said: the film Gods and Generals – they’re crying watching that movie. See it if you guys haven’t seen it. It said so much. It told the truth. What was Virginia doing? What was the army of the confederacy – the army of Virginia – doing? They were trying to stop an enemy from invading their land. Who, of course, was that enemy? The Federalists. Some of the comments and the scripting were just unbelievable in that film. Commercially, it did not do well. It is doing unbelievably well in disk and DVD form. It’s blowing their minds.

Lisa Guliani: Jeff, do you think the people of today have as much of a thirst for knowledge or a curiosity about their history and heritage as their ancestors once did?

Jeff Bennett: I think honestly, Lisa, most people in their 30’s and 40’s probably don’t. I think that they were a part of such a massive dumbing-down that they don’t even know how to thirst for anything but a Bud Lite. I think that when I am privileged to talk to some younger people, like when I did a lecture on Washington’s Birthday, at a mini-one-day expo called “A Gathering of Eagles” - and it was funny because our advertising line is something about leaving the turkeys at home and come soar with us. Anyway, we had such a variety of age ranges – kids as young as 14 came to this thing, as well as people in their 70’s and 80’s. There was a young gal who’d just graduated high school, who came up to me and said, “Mr. Bennett, I wish you were my father.” She said “thank you for this day.” Now, that’s moving. That tells me that I’ve done the job that I set out to do. And that is to be able to reach out to SOMEONE each and every day, whether I make them angry, whether I draw them to tears or make them happy. Sometimes we give them a thirst for knowledge. Sometimes we get them off their dead asses to get involved and do something. That’s what our goals are. That’s what we’re here for. I see that in your writings. An hour or so before we went on the air I read your newsletter. It’s more of the same. We’re all frustrated and angry because we can’t make enough in-roads. This coming Wednesday on my radio program I’m going to do something that is probably going to raise the roof. It is going to be an outward, vocal challenge and a call for revolution.

Lisa Guliani: I’m there!

Jeff Bennett: Thomas Jefferson said “do it, baby.”

Victor Thorn: It’s time.

Jeff Bennett: It’s not just time – its past time. And I have been blessed because in all these years, some of the best work I’ve been privileged to do has been some of the most marvelous manuscripts I’ve ever come across. Lisa, some of your work certainly fits that mold.

Lisa Guliani: I don’t think mine is by far as good as what’s out there by other writers addressing the same issues.

Jeff Bennett: That’s not the issue. It’s the writing and the passion that goes into it. If I’m able to take someone’s writing and instill a passion that was envisioned when the author was doing it; then pray God, I’ve done my job. We did a piece here which was called “Cast a Giant Shadow,” which was an intense two-hour expose of the so-called journey of the Khazars. This became interesting because most people on the radio in the alternative news and short-wave want to get on the radio and say, “It’s the fault of them JEWS.” It’s a foolish, ignorant way to do it. Whether it’s true or not true is not the issue. I refused to touch the issue until I could do it my way, which was to present the entire issue in an historically accurate format. It blew the lid off. They blocked the second episode twice before it was ever heard. And when I say blocked, I’m talking about the alphabet soup jerks that are probably monitoring us right now, sucking up on their martinis, kissing their boss’ rear ends – and you know what? They finally got through. We followed it up a month later with a program called “Touch of Evil”. Once again, I go back to film titles, yet I always have a little bit of a twist and a sickness to each one of them.

Victor Thorn: Jeff, if you could name one of the classic films that you’re a fan of - one that you’d recommend to people – which one would it be?

Jeff Bennett: There are many. Gods and Generals was a very moving piece. The Patriot was also an excellent film, although I think Gods and Generals was better. For our listeners to get a good understanding of what is in store and what “THEY” have planned for all us so-called vocal dissenters, go rent the movie Blue Thunder with Roy Scheider.

Lisa Guliani: I’ve got a question. If you could go back in time, which historical figure would you most like to meet and talk with?

Jeff Bennett: Robert E. Lee.

Lisa Guliani: That makes sense.

Jeff Bennett: It’s interesting. I have a book that was compiled by his grandson in 1904. And I have had visions of republishing the book, because I’m sure the copyrights have long since expired. It’s called Reflections of a General. These are the letters and the writings of Robert E. Lee throughout his entire life – when he was at West Point, while he was in the military, after his retirement, etc. It is a marvelous piece of work. What are you going to look at? U.S. Grant? He was fighting a worm for space at the bottom of a jug. Who cares? So the guy was president. A guy like Robert E. Lee understood the liberties, the freedoms, and the faith-rights issue. Oh, come on! Civil war hadn’t a damn thing to do with slavery. The South lost the war, but the rest of us have been enslaved for the rest of our lives.

Victor Thorn: We’d be remiss if we didn’t ask you this: Where are we heading in our world now? What’s going to happen in the Middle East? Where are we going there? What’s going to happen with our economy? What does your crystal ball say?

Jeff Bennett: That’s an interesting question, Victor. It’s one I’ve always tried to avoid in certain respects. But I’m going to try and answer some of those. The listeners and callers over the years have repeatedly asked me, “When do you think the end of the world will be here? When will the New World Order be here?” When do I think it’s going to be here?!? Number one: it’s here. It’s here not because of the fault of our elected officials or our presidents, our congressmen, our militaries, our wars or anything else. The New World Order is staring us in the face each and every day because of “We the People”. The person looking back in the mirror has never stayed active or proactive. They’ve not maintained any degree of intelligence. How can you when the basis of your news is Deborah Norville, Tom Brokenjaw, Dan Blabber, and Peter Lemmings? And now you’ve got Mr. O’Really on FOX who’s starting to show his true colors.

Lisa Guliani: I call them the news bunnies and the media whores.

Jeff Bennett: Exactly. So, to go back to your question - the Middle East: that’s a never-ending thing. From a biblical and historical standpoint, that’s not going to end until HE says it’s time for it to end. And by then, it’s all going to end. Financially speaking, we can’t keep going back to the well. Mr. Greenspan’s time is long since passed and gone. I think the Congress in this country and others – and even financial writers began to realize it’s past his time. He needs to go home to whats-her-name – the other news chickie-poo [Andrea Mitchell]. Financially, look at the millions of jobs that have been lost in this country this year. Look at the millions upon millions of jobs lost in this country since the advent of NAFTA and GATT. And these characters want to extend this down to South America. When we moved into a new house a few months ago, we had thirty-year-old furniture, which we distributed to our kids. My wife and I then went out and bought some new stuff and I found the most exquisite bedroom set I’ve ever seen in my life. And I said, “That’s it. That’s the one I’m buying for my wife.” It’s all hardwood and it’s gorgeous – and it’s all made in China. They’ve shut down all the plants. All the textiles in the Carolinas are closed down, the furniture factories are closed down, and even the old Spring City Knitting Company in the Carolinas no longer exists. It’s gone. It’s all being made in China. The Great Wal-Mart of China is now caring for America. That’s where they choose to continue to shop. Our automobiles are not 100% American-made anymore. This part, that part – KIA – come on, it doesn’t mean “killed in action,” it means “Korean Import Automobile”. What happened to the days when we tried to bring the rest of the world up? We gave up. We’ve now decided to drop ourselves down to that level. Why??? All because of big business and the big money. Since when does a nation start giving tax incentives to corporate America to move offshore? Stop that crap. Give incentives to these people to come back. Put America back to work.

Lisa Guliani: How much, if any, impact do you think we’re making on the general public with the kind of political writing we’re publishing?

Jeff Bennett: I think that I see occasional bits of light. Two years ago, a 17 year old wrote the most astounding piece about Washington’s Birthday I’ve ever been privileged to read. I tried to get a hold of her to get her to read it on the air with me, but I think she was overwhelmed with so many thousands of emails, she didn’t know where to begin. She didn’t know who to respond to, so she didn’t. It talked about freedom and the death of it and the loss of it and the small remnant that saw what was happening and stood up and took it all back. That’s what it’s going to be. It’ll be no different today than it was two and a quarter centuries ago. It’s going to be a small remnant of us, and a lot of us are going to die. But I was privileged to do a piece a year and a half ago – we did an hour program called “the Edge of Darkness” which, in effect was a slap in the face because it was a letter from the New World Order basically saying, “Up yours, there isn’t a thing you can do about it.” But the closing piece was called, “I Will Not Die Alone”. It basically came back to the New World Order crowd and said, “You guys wanna come? Be my guest. Come on. But if you think I’m gonna go down by myself; you’ve got another thing coming.” The fact of the matter is this - no matter what each one of us says we’re going to do, until that moment of truth actually faces us, not a damn one of us knows how we’re gonna react. My only danger to them (the New World Order crowd) is what I say on the radio, or what many talented Americans write and we choose to post on this webzine. It’s been said that the pen is mightier than the sword, but if you tickertape assholes come lookin’ for me, you better come ready, pilgrim – ‘cuz I’m packin’ and it ain’t fudge. I hope that offends a few people, but that’s the whole point. I have been openly told that I have the foulest mouth on shortwave. I broadcast by innuendo.

Victor Thorn: Jeff, what new projects do you have on the burner?

Jeff Bennett: We’ve got a long series that we’re working on that has to do with the history of the militia in this country. I think the most important work we’re doing right now is a segment called “Village of the Damned”. It’s a project I started a couple of years ago, but I ran out of the energy for it because the public just didn’t care. It has to do with the educational system in our country. What is about to take place in the educational system in this country in the next 24 months is going to turn people’s stomachs. But they’ve got a chance to stop it now. We’re going to be doing some very in-depth opening up and displaying of this whole thing on the radio program. Because that’s what our children are. If they go into THAT education system, they are damned. They will learn nothing. I’d like to remind everyone not to discount short-wave. It’s the only place you’re going to get real news. You’re going to hear a lot of “pass-the-collection-plate-for-Jesus-phoney Pharisees” too, but you have to weed through those guys until you get down to the truth.

on Jun 15, 2004
i noticed u are an increasing addict to conspiracy theories and such, as observable to all in these forums. u are some lunatic, and i did post some of my thoughts detailing WHY ur a lunatic. oh well.

yet while u are somewhat of an insane *person*, u have some truth.